Friday, May 1, 2009

Drama Versus Theatrics: Ode to Mary Poppins

More on self-analysis if you can believe it: I'm theatrical. Allow me to explain. One very important point I've noticed in comparison with my attitude and most others I know is my ability to be easy. I have extraordinary few biases and qualms with anything or anyone. It might be this ability that allows me to get along with most everyone I meet. It came to me today, listening to my friends reconcile their differences among lies after lies of "he said, she said" minutiae. I seem to be the great decider by proxy or even default with so many things; and yet I still cant seem to manage my own agenda. I'm sure there isn't a single person who feels entirely looked after, (at least I hope not), but I feel that too many people are immature. Let me explain my vanity. When confronted with conflict, either amongst friends or otherwise, I never get angry in the moment, or rather never enough to inhibit my train of rational thought or word choice. I can always maintain a strict sense of self and objectivity, at least I like to think so. Its because I tell the truth, regardless to consequences intended or not. I just do it with finesse. This is what pardons me from being dramatic. I can say with some certainty that my behavior and lifestyle is rather flamboyantly theatrical, but never dramatic in the lasting sense. This interesting objectivity is a symbol of maturity on my behalf, demonstrating the responsibility I'm willing to take for my actions. Too much around me is quite the reverse. The world is full of Queens who can't live in the truth. It's time to bid adieu, open up the umbrella, and fly off into the clouds once again.

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